09.-14. April
Ku Nye massage originates from the ancient kingdom of Tibet over 3900 years ago and is a practice indigenous to the Tibetan medical tradition. Earlier Tibetans practised Ku Nye through the diagnosis and used application of specific oils or extracted substances to treat the person’s imbalance or support his constitution.

Course will consist an introduction to Ku Nye massage:
  1. general preparation of a therapist and patient;
  2. preparation, uses and applications of specific oils;
  3. facilitated joint movements;
  4. application of heat or cold;
  5. massage techniques;
  6. treatment of muscles of trunk, arms and legs;
  7. methods of oil removal;
  8. resting positions etc.

Course also includes an overview of the points and channels system in TTM.
(Level 1)
Course will take place every day 10-17 (GMT +3).
Participate in person at Väluste, Estonia.
Online NOT available
This course requires on-site participation.

Prerequisite for participating the course

Participants have to complete Root Tantra course or Kunye level one course before. Please contact us via email if you wish to participate and study Root Tantra course and/or take the recorded online course.
Root Tantra

This class introduces a portrait of human life interconnected with the world of all existence, thereby developing a basic understanding of balance and imbalance of body, mind, and energy. It is the first part of Traditional Tibetan Medicine.

Learn more about the pre-recorded online course

Anu was born in Tallinn, Estonia. She studied midwifery at Tallinn Health College (1993-1996 and 2004-2006), traditional Chinese medicine (Chinese acupuncture school Neijing, (1993-1996) and Korean acupuncture su-jok (1996).

In Sowa Rigpa Anu has completed both TTM and TET study programs and 2 courses of Tibetan astrology. She started teaching Sowa Rigpa in 2006 and has been teaching it in 8 different countries. The subjects are Tibetan medical theory, therapies, nejang yoga and meditation.

Learn more at
Anu Rootalu-Wachsmann
Related fees
Ku Nye Massage
Treating the patient's imbalance or support his constitution.
Accommodation in dormitory type rooms. Includes using the indoor showers, some parts of the kitchen and leisure areas. Price for one person per night.
Accommodation outside
Park your caravan or sleep in a tent in Väluste Schoolhouse yard. Includes using the indoor showers, some parts of the kitchen and leisure areas. Price for one person per night.
Includes three meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner. Price for one person per day.
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Fees to participate the course can be paid in instalments.

Please contact us for details at

If the wish to participate is deep, but paying the course fee at this point is difficult, please contacts us and we will find a solution.